About Us
Unthank Hall Farm has been in our family for over 500 years, during which time we concentrated primarily on dairy farming. Dan and I are now looking to the future and are taking the farm in a different direction, focusing on 'regenerative farming'.
As a family we have been self-sufficient for a number of years, keeping a small herd of Dexter cattle, sheep and pigs. We gradually progressed to offering our own produce to the wider community, starting off small, but as word spread about our high welfare standards, demand grew and we are now delighted to be supplying both locally and nationally.
Our vision is to breed pedigree native breeds for sustainable, quality meat with minimal food miles. Our animals are our absolute priority in every way. We are with them at every stage, ensuring their welfare is of the highest standard.
The decision to breed Dexters was very easy - they are the smallest breed of cattle, very hardy, produce excellent beef and great for pasture management. They cause very little damage to the soil, due to them being lighter than a standard commercial cow. They live off the land, pretty much eating anything! The resulting beef is naturally more tender and contains more omega 3 fatty acids. All of our Dexter cattle are grass fed with no other supplements, medicines etc.
Our free range pigs are happy pigs, living out on the field, routing around in the mud, which we believe makes all the difference to the taste. Again, we like to be involved in the whole circle of their lives. Pigs are not designed to live on just grass alone, so we do have to supplement with feed. But not just any feed, we also grow our own wheat on the fields of Unthank Hall Farm. We plant it, grow it, nurture it, cut the crop and then feed it to our pigs.
Our sheep also live their lives out on the fields here at Unthank. They spend their days keeping our grass maintained and living a life as natural as possible. Perfect life for perfect local lamb.

Just writing all of this makes us so proud of what we do and how we do it. We want to offer our customers the choice of more sustainable meat, with the assurance that the animals have been cared for in the very best possible way.

Best wishes,
Charlotte and Dan Lowe