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Pork Tacos Recipe: Quick, easy and family-friendly

Pork Tacos Recipe: Quick, easy and family-friendly

Try out this Pork Tacos recipe for a quick, easy and extra-tasty family dinner!Using our super succulent pork steaks from our Boxes of Outdoor-Reared Pork, this dinner takes just 35 mins. Here's all the ingredients you need:4 pork steaks1 teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon ground paprika2 tablespoon vegetable oil1 small iceberg lettuce200g…

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What are the health benefits of bone broth?

What are the health benefits of bone broth?

Earlier this month, we proudly unveiled a new product here at Unthank Farm; Beef Bone Broth. Homemade, organic and produced from our grass-fed beef and local vegetables, our Beef Bone Broth is already proving to be popular with both new and existing customers here in Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. Often described as a ‘superfood’, bone…

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What Foods are in Season in June

What Foods are in Season in June

Everything is coming to life in June and we are in an abundance of delicious British fruits and vegetables.The quintessential fruit of this time of year has to be the Strawberry, but there is so much more.Baby CourgettesBroad BeansJersey RoyalsPeasRadishesRhubarbSpring OnionsLettuceSpinachMeal planning with seasonal foods, I think is the best…

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Dukkah Roast Hogget Recipe

Dukkah Roast Hogget Recipe

My summer feast Dukkah Roast Hogget Recipe.The hogget leg as with all meats must be taken out of the fridge before roasting to bring to room temperature, this allows the meat to cook evenly.The ingredients needed are - Hogget Leg 1 - 2kg you could use lamb or mutton also.50g Dukkah4…

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Spicy Sausage Pasta Recipe

Spicy Sausage Pasta Recipe

Looking for dinner inspiration? Well then, this dish is just for you. Taking just 20 minutes to cook and super delicious to taste, this recipe can be varied to your own preferences on spice, size and ingredients. The below ingredients feed 4 but just scale up for more!Ingredients:1 pack of sausages450g…

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The key to cooking a perfect steak

The key to cooking a perfect steak

According to expert restauranter Oscar Akgul, from The Cut and Craft, we’ve been cooking our steaks wrong!Now, here at Unthank Farm, we take this problem *very* seriously. Our sirloin steaks are our pride and joy; tasty, succulent and reared from our herd of Dexter cows that forage in wild meadows to…

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Why are bees so important?

Why are bees so important?

Today is World Bee Day, a day designated by the UN “to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development”. We love bees here at Unthank, and are incredibly passionate about saving them from the threats they currently face. In keeping them at the…

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Sausage Traybake Recipe

Sausage Traybake Recipe

The perfect lightweight recipe for summer evenings, this sausage tray-bake recipe only takes 10 minutes to prepare before cooking in the oven for 40-50 mins!Here’s all you need:1 bag of baby potatoes (you could add sweet potatoes, instead for a lower-calorie option)8 pork sausages (we use our very own outdoor reared…

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Sausage Casserole Recipe

Sausage Casserole Recipe

Another One - Pot Wonder cooked all day in the Slow Cooker.This recipe is great for those busy days where finding time for tea is a challenge.Here's what I used and how - 12 of our large Unthank Lincolnshire SausagesTin of BeansTin of Tomato's500g of Potatoes1 tablespoon of Worcester Sauce2 teaspoons…

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Grass Fed Beef

Grass Fed Beef

One common myth about Grass Fed Beef is that cows that are Grass Fed have no fat or flavourThe truth is that the wonderful beef our cows produce does have fat and stacks of flavour, they just have lower saturated fats.It's compared to that of skinless chicken, which is so…

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