Rare Breed Hogget Meat Boxes

Why Hogget?

Here at Unthank we keep a small flock of rare breed Boreray sheep.

They have spent the last year hefting around our 157 acres of land. They are 100% grass fed and are now a year old classing them as hogget.

So here are some of the facts as to why they are special.


Hogget is the word used to describe a lamb in its second spring or summer - so aged between one and two years.

While still tender, a hogget’s extra time on pasture allows it to develop a flavour that is richer and fuller than lamb’s but not as pronounced as older mutton’s. It is this satisfying depth of flavour, together with hogget’s texture, sweetness and versatility, that is helping hogget find new fans among chefs and home cooks.


Traditionally, most ‘lamb’ enjoyed in this country was actually ‘hogget’ – it’s only comparatively recently that we’ve started eating younger animals, known now as ‘spring lamb’. Prior to the creation of today’s modern breeds, few lambs of yesteryear would have gained enough weight in their first year to be considered for eating.

Conversely, many of today’s consumers haven’t even considered eating hogget or mutton, even though its extra six months or so grazing on luscious spring and summer grass undoubtedly gives it the upper hand in the flavour stakes.


British spring-born lamb comes into the height of its seasonal best in summer, from around mid-June through to September. Lambs finished in time for spring, on the other hand, will have been born in autumn or midwinter with little time to graze the fresh spring grass that creates so much flavour.

If you’re looking for British free-range lamb for Easter or spring meals, opting for hogget born the previous spring means you can enjoy eating a pasture-fed animal that has lived a natural free-range life. This is the more sustainable choice too – animals born in spring waste less energy keeping warm and ewes need fewer supplementary feeds to help them produce enough milk.


When finished slowly on rich pasture, hogget and mutton are highly nutritious, providing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids as well as many other essential vitamins and minerals, including selenium, zinc, B12 and iron. Leaner with lower saturated fat levels than indoor-raised lamb, this high-quality protein source also delivers all nine of the essential amino acids our body needs.