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What are the health benefits of bone broth?

What are the health benefits of bone broth?

Earlier this month, we proudly unveiled a new product here at Unthank Farm; Beef Bone Broth. Homemade, organic and produced from our grass-fed beef and local vegetables, our Beef Bone Broth is already proving to be popular with both new and existing customers here in Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. Often described as a ‘superfood’, bone…

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What Foods are in Season in June

What Foods are in Season in June

Everything is coming to life in June and we are in an abundance of delicious British fruits and vegetables.The quintessential fruit of this time of year has to be the Strawberry, but there is so much more.Baby CourgettesBroad BeansJersey RoyalsPeasRadishesRhubarbSpring OnionsLettuceSpinachMeal planning with seasonal foods, I think is the best…

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